The Baldock Blog

One of the first blogs about Baldock, Herts..

Monday, December 05, 2005

Christmas Tree Celebrations

(St Mary's Church, Baldock)

Yesterday evening I went along to what is probably the most bizarre Christmas service yet.
It concerned a dedication of Christmas trees.
Put basically there has been a recent idea for people and organisations within Baldock to take part in a Christmas tree competition at St Mary's Church. 'Churches Together in Baldock', (an ecumenical organisation which involves nearly all the Churches in town liasing together for various things, and of which I am Secretary) put forward a tree, and the winner was to be announced at the service (The judges would be the public, who would visit the Church during the weekend and look at the trees on display, which were in rows by the various pews).
Suffice to say we did not win, I have even (to my shame) forgotten who did and if anyone involved is reading this, please could they remind me!
The service was also packed (which was good) and full of couples my own age with small children (which I didn't expect and which made me feel old :/).
But all in all it was great fun.


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