The Baldock Blog

One of the first blogs about Baldock, Herts..

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Christmas bazzar


I am usually a stickler for the proper ways to celebrate Advent/Christmas.
That means I refuse, point blank to buy any Christmas presents before the first Sunday in Advent, that I cannot abide to see any decorations put up before then etc.. etc..
Of course I am fully aware that I am being somewhat unreasonable here! To organise for a succesful Christmas, generally speaking, we need to get ready fairly early, and I do speak as someone who has the luxury of being single and yet not living on my own, so I don't suffer from some of the stresses that many people have in preparing for Christmas.
But all of that said, it was yesterday morning, as opposed to next Sunday (27th Nov), that it all seemed to start for me. Baldock Methodist Church were having their Christmas bazzar a week earlier than planned, so as not to clash with the Baldock United Reformed Church's Christmas bazzar, and I had to be there to help take part.
This meant getting up slightly earlier than usual on a Saturday morning, and having time to appreciate the morning frost (so much so I committed the extra personal heresy of putting on a 'Best Christmas Album in the World...' CD on, so as to appreciate such a sunny winter morning),and finding at the very last minute, that I forgot to put the scones out to defrost the night before (Although nothing that couldn't be handled with a slow heat, with foil on top, in in the Chruch oven).
Then it was helping to make teas and coffees all morning, plus washing-up afterwards. More people than usual and well over £100 raised from what I have heard.
Roll on Christmas! Although I find that once you put on a Christmas CD, it is difficult to get out of the habit. I am currently listening to the glorious musical offering known as 'Merry Christmas Everybody' by Slade.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Talking of Christmas..


Baldock Methodist Church are holding a Christmas bazzar this coming Saturday. Admittedly this is a bit early, but it is so that it doesn't clash with the United Reformed Churches event the following Saturday.
The bazzar will be from 10AM to 12:30AM, and the Church, for those of you who don't know, is in Whitehorse Street, opposite the 'Rose and Crown'.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Christmas at St Mary's

Well in this case the tree event ;-).
The poster opposite gives the basic info, but anyways St Mary's Church are hosting a Christmas Tree festival and Christmas Fair. This will be on the 3rd-4th December from 10AM to 4PM on Saturday, and from 12 Noon to 6PM on the Sunday. You can bring your own tree and decerations as well, the more the merrier (No pun remotely intended)
It will cost £1 for adults and it's free for children.
Definetly worth a look-in

Monday, November 07, 2005

The Long and Winding Road

Some of you will have noticed that my blog entries here are infrequent. This is for two reasons at the moment. The first is that I am hoping for outside contributions to take precedence over my own, as I feel this should be a blog that is more representative of Baldock. The second is that I am currently fighting a by-election and I want to therefore (tied in with first reason), avoid bias where I can on this blog.
That said, I thought I would mention a road which I discussed with one Clothall resident this evening, and that is the road at Orwell Hill.
It has never, to be honest, a road I have felt safe on. Not even at 4:45AM, on the way to Stansted Airport, when there is no traffic about. The reason for this is that I am generally wary of country lanes being used as race tracks by the irresponsible, added to the fact that the two lane A603 has some pretty sharp bends.
So I was pleased to read some of my concerns being mentioned in the 'Royston Crow' today, where several hundred heavy vehicles travel daily on the A603. Not only that but the article mentions that the road is an accident spot for speeding motorists. Again, the racetrack syndome amongst some drivers. To be fair a speeding camera has been set up, but last week someone set it on fire.
This is an issue that local villages around Baldock in the Weston area can petition on, but I think it is clear that something more substantial needs to be done than having a speed camera.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Strange mail

This morning was a bit of a One Foot In the Grave moment, when we got a birthday card through the letterbox for a 'Gary Shaw'. It looks like there is a card inside and is c/o'd to our address. None of us know a Gary Shaw, so if any of you know of someone with that name in the Baldock/Ashwell area, please let us know.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Forthcoming events at Baldock Methodist Church

(Bygrave Handbell Ringers/Bible Society)

The Baldock Society Action Group are inviting people to join their 'Coffee Morning and Bring and Buy' at Baldock Methodist Church. This will be on Wednesday 9th November from 10:00AM to 12 noon. All are welcome.
Not only that, the Bygrave Handbell Ringers will be performing at Baldock Methodist Church, on Thursday 8th December at 7:30PM. Admission £3.00, children under 11-free.
The proceeds will be going to the Church Window Restoration Fund.